Anno: 1988
Riferimento:Int J Biol Markers. 1988 Apr-Jun;3(2):82-6.Azione della melatonina:Metastatic patients had lower melatonin levels and a lower T4/T8 ratio.Target:MLT/ beta-endorphin
Anno: 1989
Riferimento:J Pineal Res. 1989;7(2):153-64.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin-10(-6) M and 10(-10) M- resulted in an inhibition of NK activity.Target:Natural killer (NK)
Riferimento:Arch Histol Cytol. 1989;52 Suppl:69-74.Azione della melatonina:Serotonin is one of the representative biogenic amines produced from tryptophan in the gastrointestinal tract as well as in the brain. The capacity to synthesize serotonin depends on the existence of tryptophan monooxygenase. The activity of tryptophan monooxygenase in paraneurons such as mastocytomas and enterochromaffin cells depends on available ferrous iron.Target:L-5HTP monooxygenase.
Riferimento:Neurochem Int. 1989;14(3):265-73.Azione della melatonina:Oncostatic effect of melatonin in the serum, 5-hydro-xyindole-O-methyltransferase activity, detection of neuromelanin pigment in pineal bodies.Target:The pineal pigment showed inverse relation with the prevalence of malignancy.
Riferimento:J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 1989 Oct-Dec;3(4):181-3.Azione della melatonina:Serum levels of MLT were higher in patients with low CD4/CD8 ratio than in normal ratio.Target:T helper/suppressor ratio (CD4/CD8)
Riferimento:Andrologia. 1989 Sep-Oct;21(5):429-31.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin level was lower in patients with breast cancer as compared to controls.Target:MLT play a role in breast carcinoma
Riferimento:Cancer. 1989 Jul 15;64(2):426-33.Azione della melatonina:Direct involvement of melatonin in the growth control of breast cancer.Target:Progesterone/androgen receptors
Riferimento:Int J Biol Markers. 1989 Jul-Sep;4(3):157-62.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin concentrations were highest in breast cancer patients with the best prognosis.Target:Estrogen receptor-posit.
Anno: 1990
Riferimento:J Pineal Res. 1990;8(3):269-76.Azione della melatonina:Women with malignant tumors appeared to have lower concentrations of aMT6s.Target:6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s)
Riferimento:Prog Clin Biol Res. 1990;341A:31-40.Azione della melatonina:No abstract available.Target:No abstract available.