Anno: 1993
Riferimento:Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1983 Mar 25;108(12):470-4. Review.Azione della melatonina:No abstract available.Target:No abstract available.
Riferimento:Environ Health Perspect. 1993 Dec;101 Suppl 4:93-100.Azione della melatonina:Effects on: DNA transcription and translation, calcium balance in cells, pineal production of mlt.Target:Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
Riferimento:Int J Oncol. 1993 Oct;3(4):687-94.Azione della melatonina:Antimitotic actions of melatonin(10(-8)-10(-11) M) may be mediated through the suppression of the estrogen-response pathway of MCF-7 cells.Target:Estrogen receptor (ER)
Riferimento:J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 1993 Oct-Dec;7(4):121-5.Azione della melatonina:In advanced solid neoplasms, have been associated IL-2 with melatonin (MLT)(40 mg/day orally). Objective tumor regression were achieved in 17/82 (21%) patients.Target:MLT / IL-2
Riferimento:J Pineal Res. 1993 Mar;14(2):89-97.Azione della melatonina:ELF frequency magnetic fields can act cancer cell proliferation by blocking melatonin(10(-9) M) oncostatic action.Target:60 Hz magnetic field
Riferimento:Int J Biochem. 1993 Mar;25(3):441-4.Azione della melatonina:Mlt (200 microM) affect selectively the processes of lymphoblastoid cell growth.Target:Inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation.
Titolo: Breast cancer and electric powerRiferimento:Biomed Pharmacother. 1993;47(10):435-8. Review.Azione della melatonina:These can reduce nocturnal melatonin production.Target:Light-at-night/electromagnetic fields
Riferimento:Biomed Pharmacother. 1993;47(10):425-7. ReviewAzione della melatonina:Pineal function is suppressed by light-at-night(LAN) 60-Hz electric fields suppress the nocturnal rise in pineal melatonin production.Target:Electromagnetic fields Light-at-night
Riferimento:Int J Biochem. 1993 Mar;25(3):441-4.Azione della melatonina:Affect selectively the processes of lymphoblastoid cell growth.Target:200 microM in vitro.
Riferimento:Br J Cancer.1993 Jun;67(6):1404-7.Azione della melatonina:The immunotherapy with low-dose IL-2 plus MLT (50mg/day orally) is a new well tolerated and effective therapy of advanced tumours of digestive tract.Target:Interleukin 2 (IL-2) plus MLT.