Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours comprise a heterogeneous group that are rare but could result in serious manifestations. Surgical excision provides the best approach to treatment but many patients may have small lesions that are difficult to detect, or present with wide spread disease by the time of diagnosis. In addition to clinical assessment and biochemical tests, imaging is a major factor in establishing the diagnosis. Cross-sectional imaging such as US, CT and MR, play a major role in the initial assessment. However, they may miss small lesions or metastatic spread. Functional Imaging became possible with the development of somatostatin receptor imaging using 111In-octreotide, which when combined with anatomical imaging could provide enhanced detection. A major improvement has been achieved by combining receptor and PET inaging through the use of 68Ga-DOTA complexes that have been shown to have a much better sensitivity than other imaging modalities and can provide the basis for radionuclide treatment with 90Y or 177Lu labelled with DOTA complexes.
Functional assessment in the multimodality imaging of pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumours
Minerva Endocrinol. 2010 Mar;35(1):17-25.
Bhate K1, Mok WY, Tran K, Khan S, Al-Nahhas A.
Minerva Endocrinol. 2010 Mar;35(1):17-25.
L'uso di complessi 68Ga-DOTA ha dimostrato avere una sensibilità molto migliore nei tumori neuroendocrini pancreatici.
68Ga-DOTA/tumori neuroendocrini pancreatici.