Neoplasie della mammella

Neoplasie della mammella

Serial transplants of DMBA-induced mammary tumors in Fischer rats as a model system for human breast cancer. VI. The role of different forms of tumor-associated stress for the regulation of pineal melatonin secretion.

Oncology. 1999;56(2):169-76.
Bartsch C, Bartsch H, Buchberger A, Stieglitz A, Effenberger-Klein A, Kruse-Jarres JD, Besenthal I, Rokos H, Mecke D.
Human breast cancer patients showed a decline in circulating melatonin levels.
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO).

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) secretion in early and advanced solid neoplasms: selective deficiency in metastatic disease

Int J Biol Markers. 1998 Jul-Sep;13(3):154-7.
Lissoni P, Rovelli F, Giani L, Mandala M, Meregalli S, Barni S, Confalonieri G, Bonfanti A.
Studies evaluating circadian DHEAS secretion in relation in that of the pineal hormone MLT.
Dehydroepiandrosteronesulfate (DHEAS).

role of granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor, cortisol, and melatonin in the regulation of the circadian rhythms of peripheral blood cells in healthy volunteers and patients with breast cancer

J Pineal Res. 1999 Jan;26(1):1-8.
Akbulut H, Icli F, Büyükcelik A, Akbulut KG, Demirci S.
Melatonin may have a role in the regulation of peripheral blood cell counts.
Serum melatonin/circadian rhythms.

Chemoneuroendocrine therapy of metastatic breast cancer with persistent thrombocytopenia with weekly low-dose epirubicin plus melatonin: a phase II study

J Pineal Res. 1999 Apr;26(3):169-73
Lissoni P, Tancini G, Paolorossi F, Mandalà M, Ardizzoia A, Malugani F, Giani L, Barni S.
Melatonin (orally at 20 mg/day) may contribute to the realization of chemotherapy in metastatic cancer patients.


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