Neoplasie della mammella

Cerca gli articoli con queste parole nel campo target
Cerca gli articoli con riferimento a queste azioni della melatonina

Anno: 2007

  • Riferimento:
    Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Jul;103(3):331-41.
    Azione della melatonina:
    Melatonin and estrogen in BCF predicted growth inhibition and stimulation. Biological monitoring of BCF may help identify women with GCBD at greatest risk for breast cancer development.
    (GCBD) Gross cystic breast disease Breast cyst fluid (BCF).
  • Riferimento:
    Crit Rev Oncog. 2007 Dec;13(4):303-28
    Azione della melatonina:
    Both human epidemiological and experimental studies on animals have documented that a potential negative consequence of chronodisruption and nocturnal melatonin inhibition is cancer initiation and growth (breast, prostate, endometrial, and colorectal).
  • Riferimento:
    Cell Cycle. 2007 Jun 1;6(11):1329-31.
    Azione della melatonina:
    Here we speculate on the molecular pathways that may couple the circadian machinery to breast cancer.
    Circadian clock

Anno: 2008
