Pineal gland and malignancy Osterr Z Onkol. 1976 Sep 13;3(3):51-60.Lapin V.No abstract available.No abstract available. Leggi tutto su Pineal gland and malignancy
The pineal and regulation of fibrosis: pinealectomy as a model of primary biliary cirrhosis: roles of melatonin and prostaglandins in fibrosis and regulation of T lymphocytes Med Hypotheses. 1979 Apr;5(4):403-14.Cunnane SC, Manku MS, Horrobin DF.Melatonin, PGE1 and TXA2 are important in the regulation of fibrosis.Prostaglandin (PG) E1 Thromboxane (TX) A2 Leggi tutto su The pineal and regulation of fibrosis: pinealectomy as a model of primary biliary cirrhosis: roles of melatonin and prostaglandins in fibrosis and regulation of T lymphocytes
Role of the pineal gland in the development of malignant melanoma Neurochem Int. 1989;14(3):265-73.Feuer GM, Kerenyi NA.Oncostatic effect of melatonin in the serum, 5-hydro-xyindole-O-methyltransferase activity, detection of neuromelanin pigment in pineal bodies.The pineal pigment showed inverse relation with the prevalence of malignancy. Leggi tutto su Role of the pineal gland in the development of malignant melanoma
Vitiligo: where do we stand? Pigment Cell Res. 1993 Mar;6(2):61-72.Ortonne JP, Bose SK.Abnormalities in a putative melatonin receptor on melanocytes.Several different pathogenetic mechanisms. Leggi tutto su Vitiligo: where do we stand?
Selective effect of melatonin on the proliferation of lymphoid cells Int J Biochem. 1993 Mar;25(3):441-4.Persengiev SP, Kyurkchiev S.Affect selectively the processes of lymphoblastoid cell growth.200 microM in vitro. Leggi tutto su Selective effect of melatonin on the proliferation of lymphoid cells
Effects of melatonin on mammary gland lesions in transgenic mice overexpressing N-ras proto-oncogene J Pineal Res. 1997 Mar;22(2):86-94.Mediavilla MD, Güezmez A, Ramos S, Kothari L, Garijo F, Sánchez Barceló EJ.Reduces the incidence of HANs and the expression of N-ras protein in focal hyperplastic lesions.200 microgr/ day, five times a week, i.p. Leggi tutto su Effects of melatonin on mammary gland lesions in transgenic mice overexpressing N-ras proto-oncogene
Neuroendocrine, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study of pineal region tumors J Pineal Res. 1998 Oct;25(3):147-58.Grimoldi N, Tomei G, Stankov B, Lucini V, Masini B, Caputo V, Repetti ML, Lazzarini G, Gaini SM, Lucarini C, Fraschini F, Villani R.Electron microscopy examination detected the presence of clusters of intermediate filaments and electrodense granules in the case of a germinoma producing melatonin.Serum and CSF levels of melatonin. Leggi tutto su Neuroendocrine, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study of pineal region tumors
Melatonin decreases bone marrow and lymphatic toxicity of adriamycin in mice bearing TLX5 lymphoma Life Sci. 1998;63(19):1701-13.Rapozzi V, Zorzet S, Comelli M, Mavelli I, Perissin L, Giraldi T.Protective effects of melatonin against the host toxicity of the prooxidant adriamycin.A single dose,10 mg/kg s.c., 1 hour earlier. Leggi tutto su Melatonin decreases bone marrow and lymphatic toxicity of adriamycin in mice bearing TLX5 lymphoma
Cyclophosphamide plus somatostatin, bromocriptin, retinoids, melatonin and ACTH in the treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas at advanced stage: results of a phase II trial Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2001 Apr;16(2):171-7.Todisco M, Casaccia P, Rossi N.The association of cyclophos., somato., bromo., retin. melat., ACTH is well tolerated and effective in treat. of low-grade NHL at advanced stage.Low-grade NHL, stage III or IV. Leggi tutto su Cyclophosphamide plus somatostatin, bromocriptin, retinoids, melatonin and ACTH in the treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas at advanced stage: results of a phase II trial
Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion in humans during domestic exposure to 50 hertz electromagnetic fields Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2005 Apr;26(2):136-42.Cocco P, Cocco ME, Paghi L, Avataneo G, Salis A, Meloni M, Atzeri S, Broccia G, Ennas MG, Erren TC, Reiter RJ.Exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields has been suggested to suppress melatonin secretion. ELF-EMF Leggi tutto su Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion in humans during domestic exposure to 50 hertz electromagnetic fields